PartnerBridge Packages
Compare features and pricing across our tiers to find the perfect match for your goals. Choose a plan that suits your budget while unlocking the full potential of our platform. Transparent pricing with no hidden fees, and scalable options to grow with you.
High-Level Overview of our Offerings
Kickstart Your Program-
Single Partner Type
Five Partners Identified
Introduction Templates
Includes Both Tech & Solutions
All Go-to-Market Resources
Program Legal Structure
Create a Dynamic Program-
Double Partner Type
Ten Partners Identified
Introduction Templates
Includes Both Tech & Solutions
All Go-to-Market Resources
Program Legal Structure
Start With Everything-
Double Partner Type
Twenty Partners Identified
Introduction Templates
Includes Both Tech & Solutions
All Go-to-Market Resources
Program Legal Structure
Partner With An Expert-
Double Partner Type
Twenty Partners Identified
Introduction Templates
Includes Both Tech & Solutions
All Go-to-Market Resources
Program Legal Structure
Access to PartnerBridge Resources to launch your program.
Growth Package
Expansion Package
Launch Package
Bespoke Package
Partner Types:
Including either One or Two Partner Types*
Single Partner Type:
This includes one type of partner. You may select to receive a collection of either Technology Partners or Solutions Partners.
Double Partner Type:
This includes both types of partners. You may select to receive a collection of only Technology Partners, only Solutions Partners, or a combination of both.
Double Partner Type:
This includes both types of partners. You may select to receive a collection of only Technology Partners, only Solutions Partners, or a combination of both.
Double Partner Type:
This includes both types of partners. You may select to receive a collection of only Technology Partners, only Solutions Partners, or a combination of both.
Partners Identified
Five Partners:
A total of five single type partners will be identified. This includes the joint value proposition, a review of the current high-value ICP overlap for clients and prospects, the partner's potential growth bandwidth, current geographical overlap of areas served, and impactful mutual partners.
Ten Partners:
A total of ten types of partners will be identified, depending on your purchase. This includes the joint value proposition, a review of the current high-value ICP overlap for clients and prospects, the partner's potential growth bandwidth, current geographical overlap of areas served, and impactful mutual partners.
Twenty Partners:
A total of twenty types of partners will be identified, depending on your purchase. This includes the joint value proposition, a review of the current high-value ICP overlap for clients and prospects, the partner's potential growth bandwidth, current geographical overlap of areas served, and impactful mutual partners.
Twenty Partners:
A total of twenty types of partners will be identified, depending on your purchase. This includes the joint value proposition, a review of the current high-value ICP overlap for clients and prospects, the partner's potential growth bandwidth, current geographical overlap of areas served, and impactful mutual partners.
Introduction Templates
Five Templates:
Introduction templates include a PartnerBridge branded message identifying the joint value proposition of working together, the potential ROI based on ICP overlap, and the exact contacts that will drive the relationship forward at the potential partner organization.
Ten Templates:
Introduction templates include a PartnerBridge branded message identifying the joint value proposition of working together, the potential ROI based on ICP overlap, and the exact contacts that will drive the relationship forward at the potential partner organization.
Twenty Templates:
Introduction templates include a PartnerBridge branded message identifying the joint value proposition of working together, the potential ROI based on ICP overlap, and the exact contacts that will drive the relationship forward at the potential partner organization.
Twenty Templates:
Introduction templates include a PartnerBridge branded message identifying the joint value proposition of working together, the potential ROI based on ICP overlap, and the exact contacts that will drive the relationship forward at the potential partner organization.
Go-To-Market Resources
Not Included
Not Included
Internal and External Resources:
Go-to-market resources include the external facing pitch decks for the Joint Value Proposition and internal battlecards for the Sales Team to references when working with a partner program.
Internal / External Resources and Training:
Go-to-market resources include the external facing pitch decks for the Joint Value Proposition and internal battlecards. Our Bespoke Package includes training on how to pitch a partner and a program to speed up your sales cycle!
Legal Structure Templates
Not Included
Not Included
Internal and External Resources:
While we are not your legal team, we can help the process move incredibly fast by providing proven models and verbiage templates for a successful Partner Legal Model.
Internal and External Resources:
While we are not your legal team, we can help the process move incredibly fast by providing proven models and verbiage templates for a successful Partner Legal Model.
Partner Program Professional Services
Not Included
Not Included
Not Included
Professional Services Hours:
Each package will have a bespoke allotment of service hours monthly to help execute on the tactical model provided by PartnerBridge. Our seasoned team will become a cog in the machine to scale your business to the next level!
*Note: Partner Types include only Technology and Solutions Partners at this time. Other Partner Types, Affiliate, Marketplace, SI/GSIs, Referral, etc., will be added as our offering grows.
Launch your Partner Program
Ignite your Partner Program
and watch your business grow
Build and successfully launch your partner program with PartnerBridge.